Manage User Profile

Know how to edit & manage your profile on Konverse AI. You can add picture and details customers can view when they're chatting with you.

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Profile is a critical part of your Konverse experience. The profile consists of the User's information as well the Organization's details. Setting up your profile is the initial step to get started with Konverse Platform. 

Profile settings enable you to change your password, as well as manage your email addresses, designation & Organization’s Information.

To create/edit your Profile you need to follow few simple steps-

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to Profile Section on Your Settings Page
  3.  Click On Edit Profile Option
  4. Fill up the Required fields
  5. Click on Save Changes
"Edit Profile" on your "Profile" page will enable you to change your Name, Email Bio, Designation and Password. This controls your public and private information.


If You are assigned with an Organization Admin Role then this will enable you to Edit Organization Details.

For Editing Organization Details you need to visit 

  • Settings> Profile> Organization Details

Designation can’t be changed in case of Organization Admin Role

On clicking Organization Details, you can fill in the required details like Organization Name, Email, Billing Details and Address etc and you are good to go, don't forget to save the changes that you have made.

There's another way to Edit/ Update your Profile :

  1. Log into your Konverse Platform
  2. Click on your Profile image, located at the upper- right side corner of the page.
  3. There you will see the "Profile & Organization" options where you will be able to edit your information.
Only persons assigned with the Organization Admin’s role will be able to Update/Edit Organization’s Details.
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