Collect Data: Number Node

The number node allows you to collect numbers from the customer like the order or reference number. Find out how to use the number node in the conversation flow

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How to work with the Number node under Collect Data?

Let's see!

⦿ Begin with a greeting message using the text + buttons node

⦿ Add the buttons - Know more & Talk to agent

⦿ Collect the basic user info like name and email address, using the name node and email node respectively

⦿ Then choose the number node under collect data and create a message asking the user to provide their order ID (considered scenario)

⦿ Conclude the flow with a thank you message or we'll get back to you

⦿ Save the flow

⦿ Test the bot

The bottom line - The number node is used to collect any numerical data from the user like Order ID

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