Collect Data: File Node

With the file node, you can attach any files to your bot conversation - ticket pdfs, invoices, or anything. Find out how you can use the file node to do so

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Let's see how the file node works when you're building a bot with Konverse AI!

⦿ Start by creating an initial message using the text + buttons node

⦿ Add the buttons - Know more & Talk to agent

⦿ Then, start collecting the basic user info like name and email address, using the name node and email node respectively

⦿ Now add file node to let the user attach a file, like, the ticket pdf (for example)

⦿ Conclude the flow with a thank you message or we'll get back to you

⦿ Save the flow

⦿ Test the bot

That's how you use the file node during your customer-bot conversations!

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